27 Oct 2023
Newsletter n°47
Art & Architecture
Amélie SCOTTA, Ange LECCIA, Anne-Flore CABANIS, Asmani ISMAIL, Azha, Christian LAPIE, Daniel BUREN, Elsa & Johanna, Elsa SAHAL, Erwan MARIN, Gatimalau, Guy FERRER, Isabelle FERREIRA, Jean-Luc VERNA, Joël ANDRIANOMEARISOA, Judith BLEDSOE, Katinka BOCK, Laure PROUVOST, Lucienne TAILHADE-COLLIN, Martin REYNA, Matali CRASSET, Mélanie DELATRE VOGHT, Michelangelo PISTOLETTO, Nicolas GUILBERT, Paul ANDREU, Phenix VARBANOV, Philippe JONNESKINDT, Pierre ARDOUVIN, Pierre MABILLE, Qayyiem, Renée LEVI, Ruedi BAUER, Sandra AUBRY & Sébastien BOURG, Sovann KIM, Stéphane BORDARIER, William MACKENDREE, Zaini ZAINUL,…
Omissions excepted, this is the list of the 39 artists with whom Richez_Associés had the pleasure to work in recent years, for the most part artistic interventions on projects we designed. Each time, their creative freedom both surprised and delighted us. Indeed, their artistic vision is often complementary with ours. This always comes as a surprise yet remains a pleasure. It enriches the project and our approach. They thus leave their very personal mark which often provides a counterpoint to the expression of our freedom as architects - undoubtedly understood in a less concentrated, more tenuous way on work that is often complex, large scale and intricate… The freedom the work of art accommodates with precision within our architectural projects and developments is just as much an expression of its meaning as a booster of sensations!
5 new projects
Toulouse - ZAC Guillaumet, Soufflerie
Competition project retained to create a third place facility in La Soufflerie, within the urban development zone Guillaumet confided to Cogedim by Toulouse Métropole. Emblematic of 20th century Toulouse, this industrial heritage accommodates a street art museum, a multi-purpose space for artistic, cultural, sporting events and shops.
Two innovations: crushed concrete in an elevation of gabions that filter daylight and, at the top of the vertical circulation tower, the vibration of an astonishing pattern of on-edge concrete block and terracotta bricks designed in close collaboration with Erwan Marin, visual artist.

Saint-Louis - Lys neighbourhood campus
With Demathieu & Bard Immobilier and VINCI Immobilier, we won the competitive tender to design a mixed campus in the Lys neighbourhood of Saint-Louis, a stone's throw from the Basel-Mulhouse Airport. Several schools including the Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne, offices and co-working spaces, residences for student and young professionals, co-living, a health centre, community spaces... located on 40,000m².
The absence of car traffic and extensive car parks in the nearby transit hub enable to provide 50% generously planted open ground level spaces within the block. The wooden grid on the curtain wall delicately articulates the bioclimatic elevations. The buildings will accommodate the first students in 2027.

Evreux - Train station with belvedere
Tender call won in Evreux by the Richez_Associés - Infra Services - Kube Structures - Transitec consortium. Around the station, we develop a fluid, readily understood transit hub, highlighting the distant views from the site, to establish a harmonious conversation between transportation and the city's admirable green heritage. A renovated footbridge connects the station to the south of the town and its schools.

Mayotte - maintenance and park-and-ride facility
Competition won for first phase of future Mayotte bus station - opposite the Indian Ocean, under the long horizontal extensive photovoltaic roof - a lively chromatic shimmer of perforated sheets covers the car park, positioned to signal the town entrance.
At a lower level, the bus park is out of sight under a canopy sunshade.

North of Toulouse, framework agreement for strategic plan of railway property development
With D'Une Ville à l'Autre, we are members of an urban commission to develop the Fondeyre/La Vache/Toulouse Lautrec neighbourhoods along Toulouse Metro Line C stations and 6 railway stations that give access to the north of the city. We are proud and delighted to assist Toulouse-Métropole with this ambitious development programme, to support transportation investment through the city redevelopment, perfectly in line with Zéro Artificialisation Nette policy. This secures our Toulouse office in the nicest possible way!

Nos éditions
Le livre de La Rue Commune disponible en précommande !
D'abord réponse à un « appel à communs » de l’Ademe, la Rue Commune se concrétise aujourd'hui dans un livre édité par les Éditions Apogée.
Disponible en précommande sur le site des Éditions Apogée, la Rue Commune arrivera officiellement dans les librairies à partir du 8 novembre 2023. L'ouvrage, lancé en collaboration avec Franck Boutté Consultants et Leonard, propose un ambitieux plan de transformation des rues métropolitaines ordinaires de France en réponse aux grands enjeux du XXIe siècle.
Pour en savoir plus sur la méthode de La Rue Commune, visitez le site ruecommune.com
Le livre de La Rue Commune est en précommande ICI

A lire dans la presse
Traits Urbains : Marie-Christine Vatov - « Richez_Associés redessine les mails historiques d'Orléans » - Traits urbains, juin 2023
Traits Urbains : Nora Hachache - « Bagneux : mue en deux temps du quartier nord » - Traits urbains, juillet 2023
Le Parisien : Laure Parny - « Grand Paris Express : la plus grande toiture végétalisée d’Europe prend vie sur le garage des futurs métros » - Le Parisien, juillet 2023
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