Angers LRT line B
The second line in the Angers urban area now stretches 10 km from east to west.

19 stations serve a wide range of neighbourhoods: the tram will link the city centre with the large, changing developments on the outskirts; the university and the « Belle Beille » district to the west, and the «Monplaisir » district to the east, will be effectively linked to the heart of Angers.
Combining development challenges with planning potential, the new line is being prepared in dialogue with the first line, with the overriding aim of green excellence.

After choosing the route and designing and detailing the layout that will define the image of Angers urban area, the team is assisting the contracting authority in monitoring the design offices in charge of implementation.

Lauréat offre juillet 2013 - études 2013/2016 - 1er phase livraison octobre 2020 - mise en service juin 2022
Angers (49)
Angers Loire Métropole
Études d’insertion et d’aménagements urbains de la ligne B du tramway (10 km)
250 M€ (hors matériel roulant)
Design team
Richez_Associés (mandataire) + Transitec + Ingérop + Concepto