26 Feb 2024
Newsletter n°48
An holistic approach
Architecture, landscape, urban planning, and mobility:
it is well known this quartet has inspired us for decades.
This joint practice of our three disciplines, along with the specific field of mobility, has honed a global vision for every project, and this is undoubtedly a key hallmark of Richez_Associés.
Since the beginning of the century, this approach has proven particularly fruitful in the ambitious tramway projects "à la française": the T10, from Antony to Clamart, delivered in July, is our 12th line!
Today, this interdisciplinary vision in service of a unique project, combining the perspectives of our three disciplines, is in demand for an entire generation of new projects: those aiming to redevelop a site, or even a district, in a true environmental, and therefore global, logic, as well as those seeking to make a new building shine across its neighborhood, bringing new amenities, or when an exchange hub becomes a garden, contributing to the cooling and biodiversity of its district.
Our method for carrying these multifaceted projects has been refined: beyond the decisive impulse of the lead partner, our studios are now mobilized each time – one as a leader, the others as contributors, and each employee cultivates, beyond the expertise of their own profession, an intense curiosity for related professions. It is in this way, and only this way, with this fervent attention at all levels of responsibility, that each project can benefit from the intersecting viewpoints that Richez_Associés holds within, to meet the challenges of the times…
A new identity for the port of Porto-Vecchio
A design competition, we were delighted to be retained as both architect and landscape architect (with ADP Architecte, ISB, Artelia, Beaumeco and Boa Lighting) for the extension to the north of the Porto-Vecchio port. A marine garden, “Ortu Marinu” redesigns the landscape of the bay and reconfigures access to the city. A generous adobe architecture will accommodate shops, local businesses and a wide range of public transport and car parks.
Delivery 2027!

A new promenade in La Défense
In association with Ney & Partners, Egis Villes et Transports, Terao, Boa Lighting, Ville Ouverte, Phytoconseil, Urbanwater and Valorhiz, Paris La Défense recently confided us the transformation of the public spaces within the Jean Moulin Gallieni Sector – in compliance with the guidelines we developed in recent years.
Our contribution to this design assignment: support for the recently awarded API Terrasses Jean-Moulin project and provision of a suspended footbridge that links Cours Michelet to Boulevard Devedjian. The footbridge provides an original and fun sensorial experience along a meandering path that crosses the existing vegetal canopy above a secret garden within La Défense.

Living the Grand Vaux village and the Yvette Park
With Setu, Urbanwater, Acoustique & Conseil and Eodd Ingénieurs Conseils, we were confided a preliminary agreement for the urban and landscape project of the Grand-Vaux Grand-Val ZAC in Savigny-sur-Orge; within the urban renovation operation undertaken by Citallios and Essonne Aménagement.
Part of the dynamics of major urban regeneration, this project intends to open up the neighbourhood and transform the sector, particularly with the arrival of the T12 tramline and its Petit-Vaux and Epinay stops. Our design team adopts a holistic vision to the renewal project where landscape, ecology, bioclimate, acoustics and architectural research will find fertile ground for innovation and change in our practices.

T1 tramline from Nanterre to Malmaison
Tender call awarded: between the Petit Nanterre neighbourhood in Nanterre and the Château de Malmaison in Rueil-Malmaison, we design the urban development for the extension of the westward 7.5km T1 tramline in association with Ingerop and Artelia.
This tramway is designed to link the neighbourhoods within this Hauts-de-Seine district: the Petit Nanterre neighbourhood, the historic axis of La Défense crossover, the administration neighbourhood, the Nanterre city centre and Rueil-Malmaison town centre.
The T1 tramline will give priority to soft transportation. It aims to conserve and reinforce the exceptional tree-lined heritage along its route, particularly on the RD131.
A public transport project driven by our 35 years expertise on tramway developments.

Our Toulouse office inauguration
The 7th December - a major occasion for our Toulouse office - an evening event to inaugurate our new offices! An event rich in exchanges shared with a hundred partners, long-time friends and colleagues, marked by the extended presence of Jean-Luc Moudenc, Mayor of Toulouse. Richez_Associés and its 13 projects in the Toulouse region bathed in the spotlight!

Nos vœux pour 2024
In a single long line, with only right angles,
our artist of the year, Anne-Flore CABANIS,
reveals her astonishing yet delicate geographies.
May 2024 have for you all the attributes of her world:
that of the active plunged into often intense daily life, sometimes calmer,
that ultimately draws the ample figure of a flowing, airy and lively year!

Press review
Cadre de ville : Inès Edel-Garcia - « La Défense : Richez_Associés remporte le projet d’espaces publics du secteur Jean-Moulin Gallieni » - Cadre de Ville, 26 janvier 2024
Cadre de ville : Inès Edel-Garcia - « Hauts-de-Seine : l’équipe Ingérop/Artelia/Richez_Associés assurera la conception des aménagements urbains du tramway T1 à Nanterre et Rueil-Malmaison » - Cadre de Ville, 18 janvier 2024
Le Moniteur : Christiane Wanaverbecq - « Corse : Porto-Vecchio reconfigure son port » - Le Moniteur, 9 février 2024
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