Place de la République republique_couverture


Place de la République

Public space should be appropriable by those who use it and should prove to be meaningful.

The regeneration of Place de la République in Metz demonstrates these objectives.


A place that can be appropriated with several uses and experiences. The redistribution of roads, the need to link courts and creation of a promenade contributed to the development of a new landmark.

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1 | Cours Winston Churchill
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The new development composition integrates the intercity bus service with the site while maximising the space available for pedestrians.

Courts facilitate city centre pedestrian access to the square.

Give access to the site, bus services, local resident vehicle and car park access and to the square.

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Place de la République mtz_10-2011_14

Stone is used extensively. The primary characteristics are its robustness and durability – it gives the spaces within the square their experiential quality.

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Place de la République public lighting is designed on two major principles:

Visual comfort for people; and

development of a qualitative aesthetic night time identity based on curves and softness.

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Existing trees structure the courts and peripheral spaces.

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Place de la République mtz_10-2011_10


2006 competition winner - November 2010 completion


Metz (57)


Ville de Metz


Place de la République regeneration/underground car park access


40.000 m²


22 M€



Consulting engineers

Egis Aménagement

Landscape Architect

Atelier Villes et Paysages

Lighting designer

Observatoire 1

Fountain designer

JML Consultants

Sustainable development

Plantations with biotope characteristics + rainwater management and harvesting strategy


Prix Lumière 2011


Vincent Vidal + Christophe Bourgeois