ZAN Caen-Nord-Ouest cao_couverture


ZAN Caen-Nord-Ouest

Development guidelines for the planning and development of the western Caen la Mer district is based on the principles of limited land use with the objective to develop the agricultural landscape and define the city limits to control urban sprawl.

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Development is based on five principles:

- Land dedicated to exemplary dense urban development, in direct connection with nature.

- Ecological reserve, a green framework which sets city limits, develops biodiversity and recreation facilities for residents.

- Protection of arable land threatened by urban sprawl and a need to develop local agriculture.

- Gradual, controlled and planned increased density to reinforce the attractiveness of municipalities and provision of local housing.

- Development of industrial zones that occupy a lot of land to increase their density, sustainability and attractiveness.

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Development guidelines devise development parameters for town planning regulations to achieve ZAN objective - net zero ground cover. The proposal also meets the need for housing in a limited sustainable way, proposes to redesign public transport, completes the place of soft transportation while replanning and developing existing and future shopping facilities.

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2022 July 2021 - October 2022 design


Caen (14)


Communauté Urbaine Caen la mer


Analysis, development guidelines, master plan, development phase schedule and land use plan


Define outline principles for PLUI development guidelines, commence feasibility studies.


3.000 ha

Design team

Richez_Associés + Setec International + Segat + Objectif Ville